You know This I Know

Considering the mathematics involved and visual interpretations extrapolated, why is the new theory for unification of all of the natural forces called “String Theory?” Shouldn’t it be “Ring Theory?…” Or “Sphere Theory?” These “strings” are not void of dimension nor limited to one, so why strings? Is it for the public? Do “strings” connote the ultimate in simplicity save a spec?… Time for an eleventh dimension cold-one… On me for all time in all time.

~ by aquitard on February 21, 2006.

One Response to “You know This I Know”

  1. I suppose it depends on what is meant by “string” . If one refers to string as merely 2 points connected by a line, then we are dealing in a merely 2 dimensional world. As you pointed out, however, real strings exist 3 dimensionally. Perhaps the phrase “string theory” was meant to spark interest and discourse, such as what is occuring now. If so, the “powers that be” that gave birth to the phrase have succeeded in their objective.
    Which natural forces are included in this unification theory?
    How were they selected?
    Were some left out?


    I know you love questions such as these. You can talk for 2 hours about them, I bet! We miss you!

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